Embracing Your Magic

While I came out of the spiritual closet a while ago, sometimes I end up having to tell people some strange things. Or, things that I don’t think are strange, but they may think are strange.

I’ve gotten really quite open with talking about the fact that I get messages from the Universe on a constant basis. More often than not, I get on the topic because someone asks about what I’m up to. (If you know me, it’s really hard to not just gush everything you’re excited about.)

I get excited over feathers, repeating numbers, and other synchronicities. I giggle at seeing hair bands littering the ground. I will sing that my angels and the Universe told me to do something (like start this blog). Sometimes a baby or toddler communicates with me with zero words (their smiles are the actual best). Dead people talk to me in my dreams (that’s… never not going to feel strange). Then I can also tap into people’s energies and guides to see what’s going on with them, or if they have messages waiting for them (though I’m learning I should ask permission before I just divulge, because #projector). I’m excited when my tarot cards repeat messages or say exactly what I need to hear. And I do automatic writing to find what my angels, guides, or the Divine Universe want me to know… Writing is often how I find my clarity. I’m just learning to embrace this side of myself, different though it may seem.

There have been a gamut of reactions from people, from intrigue, shock, confusion, belief, disbelief, excitement… I worry about freaking people out sometimes, but most of the time, people seem to react at least positively, if not politely. Sometimes I say something and I’m met with dead silence, then I move onto safer topics. Usually I can judge when someone isn’t open to hearing about my intuitive hits.

To be honest, I see this “talent” as just connecting the dots of the Universe and finding the magic in every day, in every little thing. Some people say magic doesn’t exist, and I beg to differ. I see it every day.

I don’t expect everyone to understand; I feel lucky just to have the wonderful group of magic makers that do understand and support other intuitive people. If that’s something you’re down for, please stick around Clarion Scribe!

I no longer believe in hiding who I really am. I’ve done that for far too long. In the past few years, I’ve learned that this is a huge piece of who I am. Intuitive, powerful, and magical. You can take me as I am, or move onto the next normal person, because I know I’m not normal, and that’s perfectly perfect.

Like I keep hearing…

Shine on. Every little piece that makes up who you are is that way for a reason. You’ve got something special in you. Embrace your own magic, no matter what anyone else thinks. You’re worth it. 

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