Full Moon in Pisces – Messages for You

Messages for the Collective
From the Full Moon in Pisces
September 1 / 2, 2020
+ a Pick-a-Card Reading

Full moons are a time of releasing what is no longer working and a time to embrace the fullness of yourself. It’s never done all at once, but incrementally, so take your time. Everything is a process.

In this glorious full moon in the intuitive and emotionally tuned in sign of Pisces, we are being asked to pay attention to where our emotions truly lie. We are being called upon to allow ourselves to receive our intuitions, to trust our instincts, to allow the fullness of our humanness to transcend to the next level. Sometimes full moons have a heavy energy, however, this full moon in Pisces has a much lighter energy. The energy of water washes away from us that which no longer serves and infuses our beings with some much needed healing, soothing energy.

In the midst of Leo season, this full moon in Pisces is a balm. A time to take a necessary reprieve to tap into our inner selves, to our instincts and intuition, to allow our minds to get quiet, whether that’s in meditation, movement, or journaling out our feelings. Any one of those things, or anything that allows you to reacquaint yourself with your inner being that’s ultimately driving this existence for you–do that thing. Whatever it is that brings you peace, offers a moment of solace or carries away the worries that have been weighing you down. It’s time to let those go. Instead focus your attention on what feels good right now. What does your body tell you it needs? It has messages for you every minute of every day. Get yourself into the moment and ask yourself, “What is it my soul (or my body) needs most right now? What emotions need loving attention so they don’t clog up my energy field?” And whatever that is, take care of these needs that you may not have paid much attention to before. It’s certainly time.

This full moon is a time to recharge. To renew your intentions so you can see them to through fruition. Take your time, this is no time to rush anything. It is the beginning of September, a time when kids go back to school… A bit of a “new year” moment within the year. Start fresh by clearing away any clutter, addressing any feelings that have been pushed aside by being “busy.” Business only distracts you from the you that is here and now. Seek what the You, here and now, most needs. That’s what this full moon is asking you to turn to. Be kind to yourself and be gentle on your heart. Any doubts or concerns can take you out of the moment. You can say, “Not today, doubt. Not today, anxiety. Not today, worry.” These are fears that shouldn’t be driving you. The only thing I need right now is to act out of love. Ask what the most loving thing you can do is, for yourself and for others, at this time.

After all, love is all we need. And we are all in this together, so when you act out of love, you spread love to others and the impact spreads. Ask yourself what impact you want to spread–love? or fear? Act accordingly.

Side note: We can always use more love… And that’s usually where our intuition will guide us if we let it.

Universal Message

10 of Swords – This is a time of a clearcut ending. Perhaps… a very hurtful one as well. In The Alice Tarot deck, this card depicts the shells of the eaten oysters,  from the tale of the Walrus and the Carpenter, along a shoreline with mounted wooden beams staked up in the sand. The shore is washing away the hurt and pain that you may have experienced recently–it’s time to start anew. What’s done is done, and you can’t change it anymore. So the best step forward is to accept what is, know that the worst is over, and move forward with more wisdom than you had before. Take what you learned from this potentially harmful experience and turn it into positive action. Don’t dwell on what’s past any longer than you need to. Everything in life is only for now, and it’s time to move on.

Background Influences: 3 of Coins – In releasing what needs to be released, you will have more room for ideas or for new inspiration to come in. The 3 of Coins suggests that it’s a great time to take up a new craft or hobby that engages your hands, body, and mind, something new for you to learn and cultivate into something greater. Ask yourself: what is it I feel inspired to learn or create? Try and squeeze it in for at least a few minutes a day and keep up a consistent routine of building up that skill. By taking a few minutes each day, those minutes will add up over time and you will see improvement, if not something physical to show for that time spent. Don’t give up on yourself. Everything you do will become a part of yourself, so give yourself time to learn, time to play, and time to allow yourself to experiment. You don’t have to get everything right the first time. Just keep trying. And trying again.

Pick a Card

Full Moon In Pisces - Pick a Card

Take a few deep breaths and drop your focus to the center of your heart. If you have any whirlwind thoughts fighting for your attention, pretend there are windshield wipers in your mind that brush all of them into a small bundle in the center of your head, and drop that mental clutter straight down to the center of your heart–where it is all turned into unconditional love and compassion.

Once you’ve taken a few breaths and centered yourself, ask: What would this full moon in Pisces have me know right now? What do I most need to know at this time to take me into the next six months?

Then, pick a card based on the image above–1, 2, or 3 from left to right–and read your corresponding full moon message further down.

Full Moon in Pisces - Pick A Card Reveal

1 – The Empress

The Full Moon in Pisces message for you who chose group 1 suggests that now is a time of fertility, virility, and creation. This is the beginning of a new phase for you entirely, as The Empress is a Major Arcana card. The Empress comes with messages of beauty, of nature, and allowing yourself to “birth” whatever it is that you’ve been brewing. Get outside. See what nature has in store for you and ground yourself to connect to the creator within you. This is the card that encourages you to take what you’ve been inspired to create, or those thoughts that haven’t quite left you but you haven’t yet taken action on, and says, “Now is the time! Bring it to life!” Know that creation can be chaotic, and that when you first try to bring forth something new, it won’t be perfect. It takes patience and cultivation to allow this new thing, whatever it is for you, to establish its roots. While it grows, you’ll grow too, so stay patient and kind with yourself. You don’t have to do everything at once. All it takes is one day at a time. Release that pressure from yourself, and you’ll find more peace in your creativity.

2 – Temperance

The message for group 2 from the Full Moon in Pisces is asking you to take stock of where you are, what you’re doing, and how you’re thinking. All of these things will impact your well-being. Are you filling your life with wholesome and healthy foods, thoughts, and actions that feel good to you? Or are you indulging in harmful substances, falling prey to fearful or anxiety-ridden thoughts, or behaviors that don’t actually help you but hinder your progress? The Temperance card asks that you find that balance within yourself, to take care of your needs–physical and emotional–in the best ways you know how, and to try and not escape from your life with addictive behaviors or foods. You’re being asked to take a good hard look at the behaviors that are serving you and those that are not–and to course correct where necessary. One side will make you grow taller, and the other will make you grow smaller… Which direction do you want to go?

3 – King of Coins

The message for group 3 from the Full Moon in Pisces is asking you to take responsibility for your resources, your finances, and your physical well-being. Now is a great time to assess how you are handling your finances and physical energy. Are you indulging too much? Are you spending a little too recklessly? Another message from the King of Coins often is one of entrepreneurship–are you someone who longs to work for yourself? If so, now is a great time to start laying the groundwork if you haven’t yet to start your own business, to be your own boss. Just make sure you do so without frivolity, as this card is very practical and suggests that taking conscientious action and optimizing logic with concrete planning may be the best route for you. Write up that business plan. Build a budget. Set up a meal plan for success. Success can be yours if you have the physical foundation to support it, so start building now, if you haven’t yet. If you already have that foundation, take a look at where you could fine-tune it to better support your day-to-day life. See what needs delegation or more hands-on attention from you.

I’d love to hear how this full moon message and pick a card reading lands for you! Comment below and let us know if you feel this magical full moon in Pisces’ influence this week!

Featured image by Spencer Arquimedes, Unsplash

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