
Full Moon in Pisces – Messages for You

In this glorious full moon in the intuitive and emotionally tuned in sign of Pisces, we are being asked to pay attention to where our emotions truly lie.

Stand Up For What’s Not Right

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Humans are not here for amusement or exploitation. We are all here to learn our respective lessons that our soul chose to experience in this life.

Discovering My Human Design Energy Type

There’s this thing called Human Design. And I’m obsessed. I got the book. I take the courses. I consume Human Design content practically daily. 

However, I did not start off that way. The first time I heard about Human Design, I actually really only got into my energy type… As it turns out, your energy type a great place to start!

Embracing Your Magic

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While I came out of the spiritual closet a while ago, sometimes I end up having to tell people some strange things. Or, things that I don’t think are strange, but they may think are strange. I’ve gotten really quite open with talking about the fact that I get messages from the Universe on a constant basis.

Coming Out of the (Psychic) Closet

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There’s a bit of a proverbial closet that I was unknowingly hiding myself in for years and years. And I think I need to come forward and admit it. Embrace it. Allow it to truly manifest in my life.