Stand Up For What’s Not Right

Humans are not here for amusement or exploitation.
We are all here to learn our respective lessons that our soul chose to experience in this life.
We all appear different because it is in that state that we will most learn what we need to.

We are all people– just like you. We all have fears and dreams, friends and family, and we just want to have fun, be loved and make it through the day. Just like you. We are all the same, even if we somehow look different.

You have no right to hurt others. Absolutely no right.

Causing harm or pain to another goes against everything we are as spirits on this plane of existence. Whatever judgments you feel predisposed to for whatever reason should never be acted upon… The only judgment that matters is what comes after this life, if there’s any. The only judge that has any right to decide is whatever power you believe in that holds us all together. The power that innately connects us all on this journey.

The thing is, when you wound or kill someone, you ultimately wound yourself. You scar your soul and rack up a debt that your eternal spirit will have to repay over lifetimes. You wound both your soul and theirs. Your soul would have a massive karmic debt, as you will have interfered with a soul’s lessons meant for that body’s experience, so they too have to return to those same lessons again with trauma added onto it to process.

No one comes out better for when a body is killed, even if the spirit lives on.

Until one learns this lesson, that we shouldn’t cause harm to others, you’ll keep relearning it, lifetime after lifetime.

We see those knives in your hands. The guns. The intent to harm another–simply for being different. The Great Divine cries that these attacks occur, especially premeditated attacks with intent to kill and harm.

Violence is never the answer. 

Everyone has friends, and everyone needs protection.
Instead of walking away or turning a blind eye when you see any kind of injustice happening…

Take a stand.
Say no. Say enough.
Stand up against injustices and violence.
Take the attention off what is different and instead look at how we are all the same.
At the same time… LISTEN to how we are different and hold space for our differences.
Choose compassion, love, and understanding instead. Always.
There’s room for everyone here.

Allow us all to continue to learn from this human experience we all chose to be in together.
Our souls may very well depend on it.

* * * 

A download from October 24, 2016. Updated for 2020.

I dreamt I was walking away with people who were turning a blind eye to another group planning to attack other people. I just remember the soon-to-be victims as shadows of people I love. I turned, as a teary-eyed child, to the adult next to me, saying, “This isn’t right! We need to help.” But they assured me that this is what people do, ignore it and it’s like it doesn’t happen. 

Next thing I know, I’m speaking these words to the group of offenders.

I awoke remembering almost word for word the speech I gave to them. During an intense meditation that helped bridge some of the gaps in the message, for whatever reason, I’ve been asked to share this message.  I have a feeling more will come. I’m trusting that doing this is for the ultimate and highest good of all. 

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