
I’m not a lawyer, financial advisor, healthcare provider or consult, or a therapist. All of the answers that come through the tarot to me should not replace professional specialized advice in these areas. 

How I Work With Tarot

I feel like tarot can be misunderstood… so I’d like to help break down my own tarot practice and understanding for you.

Consider this: the cards are what you make of them. Because that’s what they are! They are cards. You know, paper or cardboard, with images, symbols and numbers in different depictions.

Through the cards’ depictions, you can draw from them what you need in that moment. The cards themselves don’t have actual power. The cards are attracted to the energy you project. The world is always responding to the energy and vibration you have. All of the images and symbols mapped into the cards have meaning, yes, but the magic is actually in you. The images and messages in the cards tap into that extra little part of our brain (our subconscious or even unconscious selves) that says, “This is the piece that you need to pay attention to right now.”

That’s our intuition speaking. 

Intuition isn’t just in some of us, but in all of us. We all tap into and utilize it in different ways. Some people like to call it the still small voice, our conscience, Holy Spirit, or just a “gut feeling.”

My intuition is a bit demanding–it demands that I use it to help people to tap into their own intuitive gifts and to trust their inner wisdom. I feel like I can use this skill to help you better understand yourself, your purpose, and whatever situation you find yourself in. Some readings I know the answers to before I even touch the cards.

And, no lie, I was able to draw accurate information from a 5-month-old baby on the subway once just by looking at him. Through talking to his parents right after, I found that what I had deduced about the child was true. Babies are just very pure spirits and the easiest to read. How else do you think mothers are able to recognize what each kind of cry her child has? They just know.

Well, that’s the kind of skill I’m tapping into to help you.

And tarot cards? They are a random draw (mostly).

I’m someone who happens to get intuitive downloads that tells me when the right message is ready to come out of the deck, and I use discernment to fine tune the message coming to you from the cards. Plus, I’m a sucker for symbolism, imagery, numerology and other -ologies, so I’m able to piece together the story of your spread in a way that can make sense to you, while also prompting positive action in your life.

My goal is to reflect the inner light that you have back at you so you know how powerful you really can be in your life. To show you that you can take control. We all should play an active role in our lives, and through my tarot and intuitive readings, my role is to inspire you to take positive action by unveiling your own potential and possibilities.

How I Perform A Reading

To start, I call on your angels and guides (we all have them whether we are aware of not) to send me the messages that you need to hear regarding your question. My own angels and guides to help me piece together that information in a way that I can properly understand and relay back to you. Then I call on God to make sure the reading is done in light, love and truth. Then I shuffle and wait for the intuitive hit to tell me to stop.

Each spread actually comes out a little differently. Sometimes I’m prompted to cut the deck into three parts, or to shuffle a certain way, or to draw a particular number of cards.

From there, I take a look at the tarot spread that’s dealt for you and see what stands out for your particular question in order to piece together your story, your possibilities, and potential solutions.

My ideal way of working is freewriting, or automatic writing, to allow the intuitive downloads to make their way to the page. From there, I’ll clean up the messages so they are actually digestible and readable, and I send the reading to you on a lovely PDF that you can highlight and save to your hearts’ desire.

In the end, it’s up to you to do with the information what you will.

After all, it’s up to you to take action in your life, right? If you don’t make that call, no one else will do it for you. 

There’s that thing called free will or free agency that allows us to choose what we make of our life on earth. But when you know what’s going on internally (because God knows that we are human and have a multitude of happenings in our brain), then you can better address what needs addressing. Sometimes we don’t realize it, so it can be helpful to have a source outside of ourselves that can guide us or give us the answers we need to move forward.

I just want to help inspire you to find that light and magic within yourself that tells you that you can take the reins in your life and charge forward a little more confidently. My method of interpretation just happens to be through my handy dandy tarot deck, as well as asking my guides, angels and God for answers in meditation and prayer during the process.

If you don’t believe in God, that’s fine. I don’t judge (been there, done that, threw away my cap). You might believe in Source, the Universe, your highest soul self or something bigger than you, and that’s fine too!

However, if you don’t believe in a higher power at all, then I don’t think my readings will be helpful for you… because that’s the very power I tap into for these readings. I’m not here to prove skeptics wrong but to help people discover that divine source of light within themselves.

If you feel like discussing anything outlined on this page, feel free to contact me here. I’m always open to chat about the connections, stars, magic and all things in the universe.

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